
Retire Here If You Want to Save On Taxes
“Even when you look at a state with income taxes, retirees need to consider which ones don’t tax retirement benefits, including pensions, Social Security and IRA distributions,” said Jonathan Mariner, founder and president of TaxDay, a tax-focused app that tracks travel across jurisdictions.

New App Helps Athletes, Entertainers and Traveling Workers Minimize Their State Taxes
The TaxDay App uses GPS to track a taxpayer’s travel from state to state […] providing comprehensive reports of the activity of the taxpayer. The TaxDay App is smart enough to warn the user if they are spending too much time in a tax jurisdiction that might flag a residency threshold.

Want to avoid a big tax hit because you live and work in different states? Help is on the way.
Jonathan Mariner, a Major League Baseball executive who lived in Florida but worked in New York, learned the hard way how complicated and expensive it can be to live and work in different states when it comes to paying taxes. So he created an app to help.

Interview with Jonathan Mariner
“I was looking around for an app that could help me keep track of my time between Florida and New York. There was nothing out there. So I thought, ‘Well, I’m going to create one myself.’” – Jonathan Mariner, founder of TaxDay.

Dealing With Multi-state Taxation
Jonathan Mariner, former CFO of Major League Baseball and now president of TaxDay, discusses how to help clients such as professional athletes deal with taxes in the different states where they work.

Getting To Know You Tuesday: Jonathan Mariner
Mariner is focused on a new project: an app that helps you track time spent working or living in more than one state. The app, Tax Day, helps you figure your residency for tax purposes.

Former MLB CIO Warns: Beware Multi-State Taxation
According to Mariner, however, multi-state taxation isn’t simply a danger limited to entertainers and professional athletes as many assume it to be.

Multi-State Taxpayers Brace for Greater Scrutiny
There are different thresholds for triggering residency requirements, observes Mariner, whose mobile app helps FAs and their clients accurately track travel records for tax purposes.

Staying One Step Ahead of Multi-state Residency Audits
It’s crucial for CPAs to proactively request information in order to protect themselves and their clients, when it comes to residency issues. [It] can go a long way towards ensuring taxpayers are not at risk of an audit.

Multi-State Taxpayer? How to Avoid Getting Audited
Jonathan Mariner, former MLB CFO and founder of TaxDay, talks about why it’s so attractive for some states to go after mulit-state taxpayers and outlines what you can do to avoid getting audited.

New App Helps Biz Travelers Track Travel for Taxes
“Experiences inspired me to develop the TaxDay app to make it simple to maintain accurate travel records, and keep track of tax-residency thresholds, while commuting between multiple tax jurisdictions.”

New App Provides ‘Tax-Audit Peace of Mind’ for Frequent Travelers
TaxDay is a game-changer for people who juggle multi-state residency, or for those who conduct business in multiple states and must track taxable travel days.

5 Tax Tips for Buying a Second Home
“‘Homeowners should be thinking about the overall impact of what the move’s going to do to them,’ says Jonathan Mariner, founder and president of TaxDay, an app that helps users manage and prepare tax information.

Tax Tracker: App Lets You Show Where You Were
Users get notifications when their plane lands or if they drive across a state line. The app lets you upload receipts and boarding passes to help prove where you were, Mariner says.

Tips on State and Local Tax Compliance for Taxpayers with Multiple Residences
Whether you’re a Baby Boomer, a hedge fund manager, or business owner with operations in multiple states, establishing residency in a new jurisdiction requires meticulous record-keeping to avoid adverse tax consequences.

Why the former MLB CFO left his 6-figure job to launch an app that helps with your taxes
The app, which Mariner started developing in May 2015, factors in the complete set of tax rules for all 50 states, so you’re always sure of how many days you’ve spent in each tax jurisdiction.